Let's stop right there... The disciples were focused on what they had and were only considering themselves at that point. They didn't feel they had enough to feed the 5000 probably didn't feel they had enough to feed themselves. As a people we have to stop thinking about self, me, and mine if we are ever going to advance and make an impact as a people.
With 5 loaves and 2 fish Jesus fed 5,000 people. I gathered a few things from this passage it confirmed 1. With Yahweh all things are possible 2. Give and it shall be given unto you good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. 3. Even when walking with a man of Yahweh one can still be selfish and not selfless.
Now back to the Poverty Pimps....So I posted this on my FB page:
Are the majority of Pastors, Preachers, and Relious Leaders in our communites Poverty Pimps? Many tell us to give our tithes 10% and the Lord will bless us. While we are waiting on our blessings a number of them are riding to our neighborhoods in Cadillacs and Benzes past dilipated houses and people poor and in despair. If you took your tithes that you given over the years, added it up and put ...
it in an interest bearing account or stored it under your mattress how much money would you have today? Could you pay for your child to go to college etc? Could you have started a business in your community? Now in no way is this an attack on Pastors as many of them are misguided and ill informed themselves preaching a system that has yet to help us as a people (majority) that is. I can't blame anyone for what they don't know or have been tricked into believing...
One comment left stated that the Pastor doesn't ask for 10% Yahweh does. Since we only have the bible as a reference we will stick with that until the end of this passage. The bible actually asks for more than 10% but that is neither here nor there. The commenter also said the government takes 30% and then more when you shop. This is true, income tax is actually unconstitutional but the topic of discussion again is Poverty Pimps.
Having gone to many a churches, ok Yahweh asks for 10%, so where does the building fund, Pastors anniversary and all the other extras come into play that congregration members give? I have also been to and heard of churches that do ask, if not demand parishoners give or strongly suggest shall I say.
Why is it in AA communities there are as many liquor stores as churches but you will be hard pressed to find a community center, let alone a church that offers community services? Why is it that some Pastors are riding around in Bentleys, Porsches, Ferraris, Benzes etc. into communities that are ridden with gangs, drugs, violence, and lack of employment?
Yes I know Yahweh is in the blessing business. I also know that Yahweh blesses so that we can be a blessing. Yahweh can only work through us. Yes I know that choices can lead one into debt as well as wealth. Once your choices lead you to wealth what do you do if anything to try and help someone else get there? The operative word is try, you cannot make someone take your advice or heed your warning but if you put forth the effort and provide the education, knowledge you are doing your job.
So for all those who attend a church what is your church doing for the community that it is in outside of Sunday service and Wednesday bible study? How are they making an impact in the community? What services or other benefits are they offering within the community to help uplift the people as well as bring them to Christ? How much is too much for one person to have? Is it excessive for a Pastor to drive around in a Bentley or fly on private jets? Why is there a desire for the Pastor or anyone else to store up for themselves earthly possesions? Doesn't the bible say it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle than it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God? Are Pastors excluded from that? Do you think your Pastor would give away all that they have to help the community and those that were truly in need? Would they even consider giving away half as Willam Buffet did?
Now back to the bible, before I can 100% accept the bible and everything in it. I would have to know who wrote it, why they wrote it, why are books left out of it, why are some scriptures missing. So I cannot 100% say that Yahweh requires me to give 10% and what if I chose to give my 10% to charities or directly to someone in need and not a particular church? After all it is my understanding that the church is the people and not a physical location or building.
I guess I have to clarify what Poverty Pimp means to me. Poverty Pimp to me means that a Pastor is benefiting off of a group of people that are impoverished without giving them a concrete clear method as to how to eradicate their own poverty state except for them giving, praying, and waiting on Yahweh. Does this mean I want Pastors to go into their pockets and take care of those in the community? No. What it does mean is why don't Pastors get together or on their own start businesses within the community, employ those within the community, and teach them how to become entreprenuers, start schools, open up community centers or simply open their doors and have after school programs using paid or volunteer workers etc? Please don't get me wrong there are DEFINITELY churches and Pastors that are doing some or all of these things already.
The question remains what more can be done. As I ride through the inner city I see a lot of churches and a lot of abandoned buildings and despair. There is something wrong with this picture. I'm not saying I agree that Pastors are Poverty Pimps either nevertheless the term had my mind racing, got me to thinking and made me ask these questions.
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