Monday, June 16, 2014


Today's blog is very personal.  I am going to speak from my own personal experience.  It seems with every step I take, doubt creeps in, in some way, shape or form.

With every gain or accomplishment, doubt and worry rears its ugly head.  Lately I have been combatting and conquering fear and doubt by reminding myself of what my goals and dreams are.  Most importanly I repeat positive affirmations.

When I begin to doubt my finances or where my tenants will come from I remind myself of my affirmations I began saying before purchasing my building:

  • Money is forever circulating freely in my life and there is always a divine surplus
  • I have access to more money than I can keep flowing in the Real Estate Market
  • All of my properties are fully occupied, money generating cash flowing assets!
The importance of these affirmations? First and foremost is to take my mind off of doubt and worry as I have learned we have the ability to create our lives.  We create our lives with our thoughts, words, and actions.  So, instead of giving into fear, doubt, and worry I speak my affirmations.

Affirmations and positive intent are most effective when there is emotion attached to it.  What I've started to do is when I am experience any intense emotion, I think on positive things, and speak positive affirmations.  If only to say "life is good, all is well." 

So, with every step, I encourage you to stay motivated, positive, encouraged and only focus on what you want.  This could be with your finances, business, relationship, education, family, etc.  Whatever it is that you are going through and facing when feeling that deep intense emotion, only focus on what you want.

And with every step, have the faith, even when you can't see the next step, continue moving forward knowing that it is there.

Be blessed and be a blessing.

Namaste, Peace, Love, Joy, Abundance, Health and Vitality to ALL

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