I didn't realize that some Christians had issues with Yoga. My interest in yoga was sparked years ago ironically by Madonna, yes the pop singer. Madonna was on the Oprah Winfrey show years ago and she spoke on how she practiced yoga and that is how she stayed in shape. From then on I told myself I would add yoga into my workout.
As an adult I purchased a workout called Yoga Booty Ballet and I absolutely love it and I also have Yoga for Abs and Yoga for Beginners with Rodney Yee from Gaiam. One day I was speaking to someone who is a Jehovah Witness about their health and wellness and I suggested they do Yoga. Their immediate response was oh no we don't practice Yoga. Considering they don't practice a lot of things I didn't give it a second thought and I moved on. Then I realized that many Christians do not practice yoga as well.
Here is an article about Yoga and a discussion of should Christians practice it http://www.cbn.com/health/fitness/bagby_yoga-alternative.aspx. A couple of things struck me in the article. Yoga teaches one in meditation to empty their minds, Laurette mentions that Christians are told to be transformed by a renewing of our minds. My question if we do not get rid of the old thoughts how do we make room for the new thoughts and the renewing? Another thing she mentioned was that yogis learn to leave their bodies. Please understand that your body is flesh and a house for your spirit. We are spiritual beings living in a physical body.
What is Yoga? Yoga defined in wikipedia, Yoga (Sanskrit, Pāli: योग yóga) is a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline, originating in ancient India,[1][2] whose goal is the attainment of a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility.[3] The word is associated with meditative practices in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. Is the issue with Yoga that it is associated with other religions?
I would hope not as Christianity is a religion steeped in tradition, corruption, and the purposeful intentional withholding of information. Now do not get me wrong I am a believer of Yahweh and I believe the Word of God I also know many parts of the history of Christianity so there are things in the religion that I must question and in no way do I feel I am questioning God, I am however questioning a man made religion. Therefore I do not practice religion, I am spiritual though and yes I attend meetings, I try not to say that I go to church because each of us are the church if you are a believer, the Kingdom of Yahweh is within us.
So this week I began reading Russell Simmons book Super Rich. I know from following him on Twitter that he is a yogi ( he practices yoga and meditates daily). Something in the book sparked my interest, he speaks on yoga and how meditation can give a drug addict the same high they get from drugs but without the harmful side effects to their minds, bodies, and family. Russell also mentions how meditation has healing effects in the chapter Succeeding Through Stillness.
If studies have proven that drug addicts are cured and helped through meditation and never want to use again, I question why yoga isn't a part of every drug rehab program. My thought what is the worst that can happen as there aren't any negative side effects that I know of that one can get from meditating.
This was thought provoking for me. In the age of technology I encourage you, if you are skeptical to google or go to your local library and read up on the healing effects of meditation. Here maybe a great starting point for you http://www.freemeditation.com/benefits-of-meditation/meditation-helps-with-drug-abuse/
There are 8 steps to yoga - Patanjali recorded a system of ashtanga yoga, or classical yoga, in the Yoga Sutra. The eight limbs, or steps, of yoga are yamas, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dyhana and samadhi. These eight steps mean respectively restraint, observance, physical exercises, breathing techniques, preparation for meditation, concentration, meditation and absorption. (Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/328242-the-basics-of-yoga-its-benefits/#ixzz1Up0eiKFB)
As one who practices yoga somewhat regularly I must say there is nothing that has been said or done that has made me question my faith or stray from it. If yoga can help me to breathe, relax, center myself and come into a deeper understanding of my spiritual being I am all for it and welcome it. If Yoga can take me to a higher state of consciousness and clear my mind so that I can hear from Yahweh I am definitely for that. And finally if while I am doing all of this it keeps my blood pressure down and my body healthy I am definitely for that.
Its amazing that some Christians have issue with Yoga but the majority of us do not question Thanksgiving, Christmas and other practices that are steeped in paganism better yet they originate from paganism.
Be a blessing and be blessed,
Epiphany Essentials
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