This morning while watching Watching Watch with Roland Martin, I began a Twitter rant which inspired these blogs today. While discussing the Newton shooting and the death of 26 innocent people, God came up. The discussion was about those who said, because God has been removed from schools issues like these happen. Roland Martin made a great point, Christian parents need to teach their children how to be Christians at school. I will take it one step further and say that Christians need to learn how to be Christians at home, and just be Christians PERIOD.
The Greatest Commandment Jesus left us with in the Bible was to LOVE. I ask how many people Christians, religious, spiritual, whatever their faith actually practice, live, and breathe LOVE?
Granted it is not an easy task but it is also something that is not widely taught in churches or Christian homes, at least not from my point of view. What do I mean by this?
When Jesus was on the cross, he said "Lord forgive them for they know not what they do." Jesus said that about his crucifiers, his killers, those who beat him, flogged him, crowned him with thorns, he asked his Father, the MOST HIGH to forgive them. How many Christian folks have they type of love and compassion for those who do them wrong, their family, friends, or anyone else?
Imagine a world where all people simply loved themselves and loved others and did unto others as they would have them to do unto themselves...
I think about the Tweets and FB posts where people who I know consider themselves Christians and are regular church goers, spoke negatively of the shooter, called him all sorts of names, and were speaking completely out of hatred and other negative emotions. That in and of itself does not help the world to vibrate in love and continues to add to the spread of violence, despair etc. in the world.
How many people thought to themselves, what did the shooter go through growing up, how did he grow up, what thoughts must have been in his head that would cause him to kill his own mother and other innocent people yet alone 5 year old children? How many people took the time to pray for him and spread compassion and love to all of those who commit violent and criminal acts?
That is not to say excuse their behavior or overlook it, it is to say, love the sinner but hate the sin. I mean do people read or have they read the same Holy Bible that I have? Yet, I see so many people hate the sinner.
The world needs love, I think about the words to that song and it is so very true. "What the world needs now, is love sweet love....its the only thing that there's just to little of..." Before you say, NO the world needs God. I am here to share with you, God is LOVE, so the 2 are one in the same for those who believe. However, there are some who don't believe in God and don't agree but we can all agree on LOVE. We have all, I hope experienced love in some kind of way in our lives.
Yes we will get upset, angry, pissed off etc. However, those feelings and emotions should not linger past a day. We control our thoughts and our feelings. I am a mother, I couldn't imagine losing my son to senseless violence and I cannot say how I would think, act, or feel after the fact. For I wouldn't know until I were ever placed in that situation, and I pray, speak and believe I never will! Think God lost his only son, his innocent son to violence. Yet, He is a forgiving, compassionate, loving God that gives us new grace and mercy daily.
So, as a spiritual being first and a human being second. My personal mission is to walk, speak, talk, think, and feel in LOVE EVERYDAY.
LOVE, the WORLD NEEDS LOVE. We are to LOVE ALL. We cannot pick and choose whom we love and when we love. Now, we don't have to like them or their actions BUT we must always LOVE! So yes, acknowledgement of a Higher Power is great, prayer is great, going to church and other religious meetings are great but what use is it if we don't walk in LOVE daily?
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