Saturday, February 9, 2013


The True Name of
The Homeland
Merita or Tamert is the traditional name for the continent known today as Africa. It is still used today by the traditional societies around the continent. It is a traditional Medu (hieroglyphics) word which when translated means Meri - Beloved and Tah - Land (Our Beloved Land). 

Kemet was the worldwide civilization that preserved the earth and its people for over 100,000 years before the modern colonial systems gained power. Today Kemet is misrepresented as the territory of the Nile Valley. Traditionally the Nile Valley was the capital of the great Kemetic civilization. As the Kemetic civilization spread around the world, the continent of Merita, the Americas, Australia and the territories of China, India and parts of Europe were all referred to as Kemet because of their allegience to the original civilization. (

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