Monday, January 12, 2015


Whatever your relationship status, single, married, divorced speak life into your romantic relationship.....ours go something like this:

I AM in a loving, committed relationship with an AMAZING man. 
He is my King, I am his Queen.  He is the god, I am the earth.
He is the knowledge, I am the wisdom.
Our relationship is rooted in love, trust, honesty, communication, friendship, respect and reciprocity.
We complement each other.
What I lack he has in abundance.  What he lacks I have in abundance.Therefore we have abundance in all things.
We are ONE.  We are best friends.
We respect and understand the need for time together as well as time alone.
We have a deep level of intimacy.
Our sex life is amazing always spicy.
Our home is filled with love, peace, joy, happiness, good health, success, friends & family who visit often, the delicious aroma of foods being baked and prepared and loved, and our wonderful children.

There are 354 days left in this year, make them count!!!!!!

You may have experienced disappointment, lack, set backs, loss etc. Nevertheless, you are still here, life goes on, and you must Take Charge, OWN your Life, and be in CONTROL. ~ Epiphany Essentials Management ‪#‎DreamsToRealityEmpowermentEvent‬ Coming Soon Stay Tuned for Details!!!!!!!

by Jamesia Johnai Hawk

Namaste, Peace, Love, Joy, Abundance, Health and Vitality to ALL!

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