Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Wellness Wednesday's - Special Edition - Your Health May Cost You!

This morning my sister tagged me in a Yahoo article that specifically referenced her organization decision to charge employees penalties for not participating in their wellness program.  This practice has been adopted by most major corporations and organizations in the US.  

Employees receive incentives for participating in the wellness program - completing surveys, screenings, tests and more.  Employees are also penalized if the choose not to participate in the program.  It is not that some employees are declining because they aren't "Healthy or Well", however, some feel there are issues with privacy and confidentially.  For this reason many are paying the cost yearly anywhere from $1500 to $4500 extra for health care insurance premiums. Ouch!

Here at Epiphany Essentials we promote wellness.  We love the quote, "Let food be thy medicine!" 

With that said, we understand all don't have healthy eating practices and aren't always fit and active for a variety of reasons.  We feel this shift in health care reform is a great reason to get fit, eat right, and be mindful of what you put in your body.  If not you may pay out of pocket!  Stay connected to us on social media for regular updates on wellness and fitness tips.

There are 352 days left in this year, make them count!!!!!!

You may have experienced disappointment, lack, set backs, loss etc. Nevertheless, you are still here, life goes on, and you must Take Charge, OWN your Life, and be in CONTROL. ~ Epiphany Essentials Management ‪#‎DreamsToRealityEmpowermentEvent‬ Coming Soon Stay Tuned for Details!!!!!!!

by Jamesia Johnai Hawk

Namaste, Peace, Love, Joy, Abundance, Health and Vitality to ALL!

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Twitter: @epiphanyessenti

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