Friday, February 27, 2015


Last night we woke up to learn there was an uproar around the world about the color of a dress.  So we did some investigating to find out what all the hype was about.

So the question we ask is, what color do you see when you look at the first picture?  That is an essence what the question is, you can only answer the question based on what you see?

When we look at this dress pictured above, we see white and gold or flesh color.  Ironically this morning I asked my son whom I know is color blind what color is the dress and he said brown, I said brown he said yes brown and blue.

Now here is a distorted version of the pic.  

And finally, here is the dress as advertised on  Now what I said originally people are arguing over a filter effect or filter like effect.  Depending on lighting the color seen in a picture or in person can be distorted.  Its interesting that some see white/gold, some see black/blue and my son saw brown/blue.....interesting for those!

There are 308 days left in this year, make them count!!!!!!

You may have experienced disappointment, lack, set backs, loss etc. Nevertheless, you are still here, life goes on, and you must Take Charge, OWN your Life, and be in CONTROL. ~ 

UPCOMING EVENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Emerge: Spread Your Wings Workshop visit for more information and to purchase your tickets today!

Epiphany Essentials Management ‪#‎DreamsToRealityEmpowermentEvent‬ Coming October 2015 Stay Tuned for Details!!!!!!!

by Jamesia Johnai Hawk
Namaste, Peace, Love, Joy, Abundance, Health and Vitality to ALL!

Epiphany Essentials Links
Website: www.epiphanyessen


We have a book club and we are finishing reading How To Be Invisible.  The author JJ Luna states that you shouldn't buy anything if you can't pay cash for it. In his statement, he includes EVERYTHING including cars and homes.  Interesting theory and approach and it would be great if all of us could pay CASH for everything.  

However, there are other "experts" like Robert Kiyosaki who speak on good debt as in real estate investments or anything that is an asset.  An asset is something that puts money in your pocket on a regular basis!

Nevertheless, most of us feel the "need" to finance certain things.  My father also has the approach if you can't pay cash for it, you don't need it.  However, my father will finance a car or a home.  Other than that, he believes in saving up, waiting and paying CASH.

I'm sure many of you if not all reading this have heard, CASH is KING!

Growing up with a father who is very disciplined when it comes to finances.  My father didn't get a credit card until after he bought a home in his 30s and he doesn't believe in carrying cash balances. It was a bit disturbing to me to know that people finance items like couches, washing machines, dryers, televisions, etc.  This includes buying clothes, shoes and other items on credit cards and not paying the balance off immediately.

So our 2 cents if you want to know is, if you must finance something make sure its a home, car or a big ticket item that is absolutely necessary like a furnace for your home, new roof on your investment property etc.  Why? Anything else isn't a need its a want and you should save up to get it as opposed to financing the item and paying 4 to 10x as much for it instead of just waiting, saving, and paying cash.

By the time you wait and save the money, you may realize you don't really want or need what it is you were thinking about financing.  

Here is a great example of why, a $5,000 loan at 5% interest over a 4 year 2 month period.  The total interest payments are over $8,000 and that is just the interest.  You end up paying almost 3x as much for an item!!!! 5% interest is low, most credit card rates are at minimum 10%, store cards are usually hire around 20% and some are paying high interest rates on car loans (we definitely don't recommend that, always ask for the car interest rate amount you will notice dealers usually speak payments only.


There are 308 days left in this year, make them count!!!!!!

You may have experienced disappointment, lack, set backs, loss etc. Nevertheless, you are still here, life goes on, and you must Take Charge, OWN your Life, and be in CONTROL. ~ 

UPCOMING EVENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Emerge: Spread Your Wings Workshop visit for more information and to purchase your tickets today!

Epiphany Essentials Management ‪#‎DreamsToRealityEmpowermentEvent‬ Coming October 2015 Stay Tuned for Details!!!!!!!

by Jamesia Johnai Hawk
Namaste, Peace, Love, Joy, Abundance, Health and Vitality to ALL!

Epiphany Essentials Links
Twitter: @epiphanyessenti

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Empire: Cookie vs. Boo Boo Kitty

Last night I had the pleasure of attending an event here in my city with an Empire theme.  Empire was showing on the TV screens and signature cocktails were made by Charrise Gordon of Toast, The Empire was my personal favorite with whiskey, cointreau, lime and pear juice ( I believe that was the recipe) it was GOOD.

It seems Luscious has decided to stay with Boo Boo Kitty and Cookie is not happy about it.  Cookie seems to want her family back which is understandable.

Image result for cookie empire

I guess we will have to continue watching to see how everything unfolds!

There are 309 days left in this year, make them count!!!!!!

You may have experienced disappointment, lack, set backs, loss etc. Nevertheless, you are still here, life goes on, and you must Take Charge, OWN your Life, and be in CONTROL. ~ 

UPCOMING EVENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Emerge: Spread Your Wings Workshop visit for more information and to purchase your tickets today!

Epiphany Essentials Management ‪#‎DreamsToRealityEmpowermentEvent‬ Coming October 2015 Stay Tuned for Details!!!!!!!

by Jamesia Johnai Hawk
Namaste, Peace, Love, Joy, Abundance, Health and Vitality to ALL!

Epiphany Essentials Links
Twitter: @epiphanyessenti


Image result for networking quotes

Over the weekend we attended the Yahweh Amore Salon launch party.  The event was AWESOME.  In attendance were entrepreneurs and business owners from auto mechanics to insurance professionals to musical artists.  It was great to see so many people under one roof having a good time together.  Part of the purpose of the event was networking.  

In order to speak about networking let's first say what networking is not.


Networking is building RELATIONSHIPS with people.  Taking things one step at a time.  Going to an event and simply handing a card to someone without even introducing yourself is like meeting a man/woman and going directly to home base!  Where is the talking phase? courting phase? dating phase? that leads up to the romance??????  Yes, treat networking like a romantic relationship.  

Take your time, start out slow and build up to a friendship, then relationship and the business aspect quid pro quo will happen organically.

While at the event, there was a woman who began speaking to me however she started off by commenting on my topic, MINDSET, before telling me what she did and handing me her card.  I remember her name and I connected with her immediately on social media.  She has in turn already liked our FaceBook business page.  Just like that. We talked, courted a bit, and got right to the romance, well we are actually now in the courting or getting to know you phase.

Another woman spoke about insurance, I made sure to get her business card for a good friend.  I began to speak with her about the importance of her business and possible collaboration.

Not once did I think of simply passing my business cards out to all attendees.  I paid money for my business cards, why just hand them out willy nilly?

However, that is exactly what happened at the event.  I was handed a business card, a jewelry magazine, and something else.  I can't even tell you what the people look like that handed me the materials.  Would you consider that successful networking?

Customers and clients are built through relationships.  People buy from people they "like". How can you like someone that you haven't met and don't even know?  It's difficult right? Absolutely.

So, DO NOT simply hand out business cards or push your products on people while at any networking event.  Simply spark conversations with people, ask them questions about themselves.  PEOPLE LOVE TO SPEAK ABOUT THEMSELVES.  Be sure you remember their NAME.  People LOVE to hear their names spoken.  If you would like ask them for their contact information or card and then follow up with them within 24 no more than 48 hours to stay fresh in their minds.

                                                      Image result for networking quotes

There are 309 days left in this year, make them count!!!!!!

You may have experienced disappointment, lack, set backs, loss etc. Nevertheless, you are still here, life goes on, and you must Take Charge, OWN your Life, and be in CONTROL. ~ 

UPCOMING EVENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Emerge: Spread Your Wings Workshop visit for more information and to purchase your tickets today!

Epiphany Essentials Management ‪#‎DreamsToRealityEmpowermentEvent‬ Coming October 2015 Stay Tuned for Details!!!!!!!

by Jamesia Johnai Hawk
Namaste, Peace, Love, Joy, Abundance, Health and Vitality to ALL!

Epiphany Essentials Links
Twitter: @epiphanyessenti

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


We've noticed we don't get a lot of traffic on Wednesday's.  People are interested in their mindset, being motivated, and definitely when it comes to finances on Friday's however Wellness Wednesday's doesn't seem too popular :(.

Health is Wealth. That's attack is to be proactive with what we put in our bodies.  Too many people spend their hard earn savings and are forced to work during retirement because of the cost of prescription drugs.  

The purpose of Wellness Wednesday's is to help people eat right, be active, and live healthy so that they aren't diagnosed with high blood pressure, diabetes, and other preventable or reversible diseases.

Your HEALTH is your WEALTH.  You are your greatest asset.  Be sure to tune in to Wellness Wednesday just as much as you check us out on Monday's and Friday's!

There are 310 days left in this year, make them count!!!!!!

You may have experienced disappointment, lack, set backs, loss etc. Nevertheless, you are still here, life goes on, and you must Take Charge, OWN your Life, and be in CONTROL. ~ 

Emerge: Spread Your Wings Workshop visit for more information and to purchase your tickets today!

Epiphany Essentials Management ‪#‎DreamsToRealityEmpowermentEvent‬ Coming October 2015 Stay Tuned for Details!!!!!!!

by Jamesia Johnai Hawk
Namaste, Peace, Love, Joy, Abundance, Health and Vitality to ALL!

Epiphany Essentials Links
Twitter: @epiphanyessenti

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


I was saddened to see that an awesome interview with the Breakfast Club was muddy because Kanye spoke about his ex Amber Rose for all of 30 seconds of a 57 minute long interview.  While watching the interview Kanye said quite a few things that intrigued me and also let us know he is a seeker of knowledge and truth.

What an honor it must have been last night to be honored amongst his peers.  It seemed a few years back after comments like "George Bush doesn't like black people." and the infamous Taylor Swift incident Kanye West was over and done, well that is at least what some people thought.

What is a Visionary? (especially of a person) thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom. I may be partial because I'm from Chicago! Congratulations Kanye West on your Visionary Award.  Kanye is definitely a visionary!

There are 311 days left in this year, make them count!!!!!!

You may have experienced disappointment, lack, set backs, loss etc. Nevertheless, you are still here, life goes on, and you must Take Charge, OWN your Life, and be in CONTROL. ~ 

Emerge: Spread Your Wings Workshop visit for more information and to purchase your tickets today!

Epiphany Essentials Management ‪#‎DreamsToRealityEmpowermentEvent‬ Coming October 2015 Stay Tuned for Details!!!!!!!

by Jamesia Johnai Hawk
Namaste, Peace, Love, Joy, Abundance, Health and Vitality to ALL!

Epiphany Essentials Links
Twitter: @epiphanyessenti


We had the pleasure of highlighting Toast! on our blog back in 2014 for Spotlight Saturdays.  The founder of Toast! Mobile Bartending Service is still going strong.  She is dedicated, ambitious and driven.  She like most business owners has had thoughts of quitting, throwing in the towel yet she is still going strong.

If you are in the Chicagoland area, stop by Bureau Bar tomorrow and tell the bartender Epiphany Essentials sent you!

There are 311 days left in this year, make them count!!!!!!

You may have experienced disappointment, lack, set backs, loss etc. Nevertheless, you are still here, life goes on, and you must Take Charge, OWN your Life, and be in CONTROL. ~ 

Emerge: Spread Your Wings Workshop visit for more information and to purchase your tickets today!

Epiphany Essentials Management ‪#‎DreamsToRealityEmpowermentEvent‬ Coming October 2015 Stay Tuned for Details!!!!!!!

by Jamesia Johnai Hawk
Namaste, Peace, Love, Joy, Abundance, Health and Vitality to ALL!

Epiphany Essentials Links
Twitter: @epiphanyessenti


This was posted on's FaceBook page and I wanted to share!   

Have you wondered what's the whole yearly ritual with the Oscar Awards, Golds Statues and movie stars? Well it may go back way further than you think, way back to Africa in Ancient Egypt. In Egypt there were two major Gods one in charge of Picture making and craftsmen and the other with the Stars and the Afterlife. One of these Gods was called Ptah lord of PICTURE MAKING, CRAFTSMEN AND ARTIST. In the modern world where do you find ARTIST, CRAFTSMEN and MOTION PICTURES being made? In Hollywood of course, so the Oscar statues are modeled from the God Ptah.
The ancient scribes and sculptors who created the best sculptures and pictures for the temples after their work was completed they would be granted a statue of the God Ptah from the Pharaoh himself. This ritual would take place at the capital at MnNfr/Memphis in the HutKaPth/Temple of Ptah.
This ritual is still performed today where an actor wins a statue like the God Ptah for the BEST PICTURE.
The term Oscar also dates to an Egyptian God Asar/Osiris who ruled over the underworld in the constellation Sah today called Orion
* *°.˛*.˛.°★。˛°.★** *★* * .
According to the pyramid text the oldest religious text ever written by man the Pharaohs soul would ascend to Sah/Orion to be reborn as a ★STAR★ to live for eternity. The only catch was according to the pyramid text is that Pharaoh's Ba/soul would have to transform into a AKH/spirit to travel and reach Asar in Orion, similar to how today you have to become a ACTOR to win a Oscar. Today scientist at NASA have discovered that Orion indeed has a Star Nebula where stars are born. How did the ancients know this before modern technology? It's not by chance that the Egyptian term Sah sounds like the modern word Star. In today's world Pharaohs are no longer attempting to transform their souls into Stars in the kingdom of Asar but actors are with their Oscar's.
Modern stars are found in Hollywood where their goal is to receive the most prestigious Oscar Award and then become superstars. Check the New Yorker Cover >>
A small note to add the brother of the star God Asar was called SeT lord of illusions, Chaos and materialism, and in Hollywood when they are creating a dream world or an illusion its referred to as a movie Set. So after leaving the movie SeT as a Akh or actor they hope to meet Asar or Oscar after playing the role of the Hero or Horus like the Pharaohs of old. The God of picture making Ptah and the God of Stars Asar when combined you get the Oscars. Ancient myths and rituals are still being performed in a modern form.
The question now becomes despite todays religions what brotherhood has kept the ancient Gods relevant in this modern world? More to come in Raturn of the Gods: Rise of the ShemsuHor
By the way this is the last month to see Orion/Sah is the night sky's till fall Happy Oscar's Star Gazing* *°.˛*.˛.°★。˛°.★** *★* * ( also on FaceBook) 

There are 311 days left in this year, make them count!!!!!!

You may have experienced disappointment, lack, set backs, loss etc. Nevertheless, you are still here, life goes on, and you must Take Charge, OWN your Life, and be in CONTROL. ~ 

Emerge: Spread Your Wings Workshop visit for more information and to purchase your tickets today!

Epiphany Essentials Management ‪#‎DreamsToRealityEmpowermentEvent‬ Coming October 2015 Stay Tuned for Details!!!!!!!

by Jamesia Johnai Hawk
Namaste, Peace, Love, Joy, Abundance, Health and Vitality to ALL!

Epiphany Essentials Links
Twitter: @epiphanyessenti

Monday, February 23, 2015


Two black men for the Midwest, didn't grow up during the Civil Rights Movement were just babies if barely born won the Academy Award for Best Original Song in a Movie.  I am a Chicago native and extremely proud of John Legend and Common for their awesome song Glory.

There are 312 days left in this year, make them count!!!!!!

You may have experienced disappointment, lack, set backs, loss etc. Nevertheless, you are still here, life goes on, and you must Take Charge, OWN your Life, and be in CONTROL. ~ 

Emerge: Spread Your Wings Workshop visit for more information and to purchase your tickets today!

Epiphany Essentials Management ‪#‎DreamsToRealityEmpowermentEvent‬ Coming October 2015 Stay Tuned for Details!!!!!!!

by Jamesia Johnai Hawk
Namaste, Peace, Love, Joy, Abundance, Health and Vitality to ALL!

Epiphany Essentials Links
Twitter: @epiphanyessenti


Today is Friday, February 13th.  I had a phone conversation with a good friend, Charrise Gordon of Toast!  We were speaking about receiving support from close friends and family while pursuing our dreams.  In our conversation, something she said sparked this blog as it was about me.  She said, you were doing Epiphany Essentials here and there and then all of a sudden you just came out. It's like your brand went from the caterpillar to butterfly over night.

I understood what she meant.  When I am in grind mode I am completely silent.  I read somewhere that success is quiet and it should speak for itself.  Nevertheless, the things I spoke about in my first workshop this year as well as what I write about on Mindset & Motivation Monday's, I applied to my brand.

I created a vision/plan for my brand at the end of 2014.  I knew I wanted to treat my business 100% like a business and begin to monetize my blog and expand my brand to embody the services it states we provide.

So I wrote out my vision plan which included Epiphany Essentials.  I wrote a Chief Aim Statement for 2015 and I also set goals.  Specific goals for my brand were:

  • Launching my website
  • Monetizing my blog
  • Expand the readership of my blog
  • Facilitating 3 major workshops as well as webinars/seminars in 2015
I'm on track to do all of those things.  I regularly look for networking events, I attended a workshop on blogging and more importantly how to make money doing so.  I will even be making promotional videos soon to post to YouTube and other sources. 

I was reading a young lady whom I follow on social media that is a budding entrepreneur InstaGram post and she stated that she works on her baby everyday.  Her baby being her brand, I knew then I need to spend time on my brand daily and that is what I've been doing.  I've been again, grinding, working and building in silence.  Every time I was ready to move forward with my website, something happened with my building it continued to be postponed nevertheless, it went live the first week of February.

I've encountered obstacles, challenges, and hurdles.  I don't have all the resources I need right now to do all I want to do however I know they will manifest as I speak over my brand daily, I speak into my business daily and I also put it in work. Work includes positive energy, words, as well as physical labor.  I'm reading, listening to motivation, inspiration, basically pouring into myself so that I may pour into my readers.  

I eat healthy 60% of the time, I exercise, I take ME time, I simply stare at my vision board for minutes each day.  Its the first thing I see when I go to to sleep and wake up!

There is absolutely no such thing as an overnight success.  As my friend Charrise said we see people's highlights however we rarely hear about their preparation and their work.

For me I think so many people are on social media talking about what they are going to do and aren't doing a thing that I forget people do need to see others story unfold.  Definitely something I will take heed of and work on for future endeavors.

There are 312 days left in this year, make them count!!!!!!

You may have experienced disappointment, lack, set backs, loss etc. Nevertheless, you are still here, life goes on, and you must Take Charge, OWN your Life, and be in CONTROL. ~ 

Emerge: Spread Your Wings Workshop visit for more information and to purchase your tickets today!

Epiphany Essentials Management ‪#‎DreamsToRealityEmpowermentEvent‬ Coming October 2015 Stay Tuned for Details!!!!!!!

by Jamesia Johnai Hawk
Namaste, Peace, Love, Joy, Abundance, Health and Vitality to ALL!

Epiphany Essentials Links
Twitter: @epiphanyessenti

Sunday, February 22, 2015


Disclaimer:  There is some profanity in this video.

There are 313 days left in this year, make them count!!!!!!

You may have experienced disappointment, lack, set backs, loss etc. Nevertheless, you are still here, life goes on, and you must Take Charge, OWN your Life, and be in CONTROL. ~ 

Emerge: Spread Your Wings Workshop visit for more information and to purchase your tickets today!

Epiphany Essentials Management ‪#‎DreamsToRealityEmpowermentEvent‬ Coming October 2015 Stay Tuned for Details!!!!!!!

by J. Hawk
Namaste, Peace, Love, Joy, Abundance, Health and Vitality to ALL!

Epiphany Essentials Links
Twitter/FaceBook/Instagram @EpiphanyEssentials