Monday, February 9, 2015


You like many others reading this blog have quit your 9 to 5, you've left it on the shelf and decided to go into business for yourself.  You want the freedom and flexibility that self-employment and entrepreneurship gives many others.  You feel that your business isn't as profitable as it should be or you thought it would be and slowly you're becoming discouraged.  

However, let's take a peek into your mindset and your work ethic shall we?

I was speaking with a friend that is thinking of returning to work because her business isn't going as planned.  I myself was in a position to expand my brand, grow my business and be my own boss a few years ago.  I completely wasted the opportunity and to a certain extent I can say my friend is doing the same thing.  Why? Mindset and Work Ethic!

This very conversation about Work Ethic came up at a Blog Workshop I attended and the question asked or mentioned while discussing entrepreneurship and profiting from blogging, 'Would You Fire Yourself?'  A few years ago, I can clearly say I would have fired myself.  I wasn't putting in 40 hours let alone 20 hours a week on my business.  I'm very sure my friend isn't as well.

Once you decide to work for yourself, you should devote a minimum of 40 hours a week to your business.  That is the least you can do.  You devoted 40 hours or more to a job, why not devote that same time to your business? If not more?????

Your dream is to become a millionaire, you have a million dollar dream YET you have a minimum wage work ethic.  Then you are shocked when you're not making the money you desire and you may have to go back to work a 9 to 5.

I will say this, as I told my friend.  If you are not comfortable with uncertainty I would advise you go back to a 9 to 5.  While at your 9 to 5, save, plan, work, and build your own business at the same time.  Create a concrete plan for your business and build. Set goals and deadlines.  Do what is necessary in the now and for your future and you will be able to successfully walk away from a 9 to 5 for good!

We encourage you to think about your dreams, goals, business and ask yourself this question:

Would I fire me?

There are 326 days left in this year, make them count!!!!!!

You may have experienced disappointment, lack, set backs, loss etc. Nevertheless, you are still here, life goes on, and you must Take Charge, OWN your Life, and be in CONTROL. ~ Epiphany Essentials Management ‪#‎DreamsToRealityEmpowermentEvent‬ Coming Soon Stay Tuned for Details!!!!!!!

by Jamesia Johnai Hawk
Namaste, Peace, Love, Joy, Abundance, Health and Vitality to ALL!

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