Monday, March 29, 2010


I was blessed by Pastor Joel Osteen this Sunday, his message was entitled Enjoy the Journey!

You may find yourself striving for that promotion, looking forward to your big graduation day, already focused on your children being grown and out of the house, or you may be desiring to be married. Whatever your desires/goals/dreams are it is great to have them and you should want to excel and do better in life. Nevertheless enjoy where you are and enjoy the journey along the way to accomplishing your dreams. As Joel stated often times once you reach the final destination you realize it isn't necessarily all it was cracked up to be. Also once you achieve a particular goal you usually set another one.

If you desire to be married. Don't sit around miserable, complaining, looking at happily married couples wishing you had that life. You may be out on the scene dating guy after guy, looking and hoping this next one is Mr. Right and find out all of them are Mr. Wrong. However, enjoying the journey means being happy right where you are in life. Enjoy your moments of being single without children, work on your relationship with God and developing your character and becoming the best person that you can be. Enjoy where God has you right now in life.

For those with families, you may be striving for the big promotion, working 50/60 hours a week to prove yourself at your job. However you greatest success and biggest accomplishment in life is your family and the memories that you create with them. Memories are something that will live on forever long after you die. It would be sad if your children could only remember that their parent was always working and never had time to go to their events or games. I am sure the last thing you would want to do in your golden years is look back on your life and regret the time that you didn't spend or should have spent with the ones that you love.

For those who may not like their jobs, Joel mentioned what a shame it is to spend 8 hours a day somewhere with an attitude, upset, complaining with a frown on your face. God placed you in that position at that company for a reason. This life is about building the Kingdom of God it is not about us as individuals. It is about doing His work so that He may have the Glory!

Enjoy the journey, enjoy the people who have been placed in your life. You are rich because you have a family that loves you, friends that love you, people in your life who love you and genuinely care about you.

True riches and success are not found in your bank account or your stock portfolio they are found in the treasured moments that you share with those who are closest to you.

Commit yourself to enjoy the journey, enjoy your children spend quality time with them doing the little things playing a game, take them out on a date, spend time with them giving your undivided attention, the same goes for your spouse and your loved ones. Invest in what matters most in this life your relationship with God and your family!

Be a blessing and be blessed,
Epiphany Essentials

1 comment:

  1. I was watching that too..and I was very blessed to be able to see that show.
