Friday, February 21, 2014


Money is Just a TOOL!  Too many of us have an unnatural and unhealthy attachment to money.  We can admit our guilt in this and are happy we are slowly coming out of this unnatural attachment to a tool.  Yes, money is just a tool that has no real inherent value.  After all it is fiat currency, a promissory note.  So why does it have so much control over our lives?  

That is a question we won't attempt to answer ourselves however, when we hear sayings like "money rules the world" and for the love of money people will steal from their brothers.  To think it is just a tool, vehicle to acquire more things and hopefully assets if you so choose.  So again, why does it run our lives so much.

We think about people who are always fearful of making moves or doing anything because they don't have the money.  Not only is money a tool it is also energy and we can control it.  Granted this is something we are getting better at ourselves, however you have to have the right energy and mindset to attract and KEEP money.  There are plenty of people that can attract money, there are few however who keep it.

Think about lottery winners, people win millions of dollars and go broke.  Why it is there mindset.  How can one expect abundance if they are always operating from a lack or poverty mentality?  It takes time to transition to an abundance mentality however, it is absolutely worth it and necessary.

Some ways to do this is to change how you feel when you spend money.  Every time you spend money feel happy, feel love, feel abundance.  When you receive bills in the mail get excited that you have the ability to pay your bills and keep a business in business with your payment.  Give thanks in all things.  When you are balancing your check book, give thanks and think abundance. When you are writing checks to pay your bills, give thanks and think abundance.

Everyday throughout the day repeat any or all of these mantras with feeling and believe them. "I have more than enough.  There is an abundance of money and it is on its way to me.  Money obeys me, I am a Master of money.  I love money and money loves me.  Money is forever circulating in my life and there is always a divine surplus."  Rhonda Byrne (The Power and The Secret).  Everyday, multiple times a day, thank the Universe for meeting all of your needs IMMEDIATELY.

One's desire does not have to be to acquire riches or wealth.  One's desire could simply be to have the ability to do what they want when they want without having to check their bank balance or budget.  Nevertheless, if we haven't posted a great definition of wealth we learned we shall do so now or again.  Wealth is when your passive income exceeds your expenses.  Even if that is only by $1 or $.50 you are then, WEALTHY!

Peace, Love, Joy, Abundance, Health, Happiness, Success,
and Vitality, Namaste! 

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