Friday, July 29, 2016

Financial Freedom Friday's - Meal Plan & Save

I remember going to the grocery store with my mother as a young child.  We would fill the cart up with all sorts of items.  At the time, I never understood why my mother would be reluctant to allow me to add extra items to the cart.  We would finally make it to the check out counter and the grocery bill would always be hundreds of dollars. 

Each week or every 2 weeks this would happen.  Upon arriving home from the grocery store, the great purge would happen.  Items purchased that were now expired, molded, rotten, and no longer inedible.

Fast forward at least 20 years, having a conversation with a good friend about ways to save money.  She mentioned attending a conference and the presenter pointing out the fact that every time we throw food away we are throwing away our money.  Immediately I thought about all the food I threw away in my adulthood.  Food I "planned" to cook or meals I thought I'd prepare that just didn't happen.

Those days are no more and long behind me.  I grocery shop in bulk for fruit, juice, and salad items as I know I'm going to eat those for the entire week.  I plan my dinner meals maybe 2 per week and usually purchase the items the day I plan to cook them.  I'm saving a lot of money.  How do I know for sure? There's no longer that major purge after every grocery shopping trip.

Our advice to you, monitor your shopping habits.  Think about foods that usually go bad that end up in the trash each week or every time you go to the grocery store.  After you've assessed your habits, begin to scale back, purchase less, meal plan & SAVE!

Jamesia Johnai
Personal Empowerment Advocate

Join us on a 7 Day Positive Feast/Negative Fast Meditation journey, sign up here .

This meditation will begin Sunday, August 21st join us as we redirect our energy.

Want to develop your Increase Mindset? Epiphany Essentials has something just for you.  Order your copy of our 21 Day Wealth Meditation today 


#Relationships #Success #Finances


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