Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Yesterday a couple of my friends expressed their state of unhappiness, one even said that she was depressed, another friend as I spoke to her told me that Happiness is a choice, I asked her what did she choose and she said I choose whatever.

Happiness is a choice so if you are generally a happy person, an unhappy person or find yourself in a state of depression you made the choice to be there. Do not misunderstand me or think that I am just being mean. I understand things in life happen, you don't get the job that you want, your relationships aren't what you want or thought they should be, your children whom you welcomed into the world are now driving you up a wall, nothing in your life ever seem to go right, no matter how hard you try you end up with the short end of the stick. Completely understood.

Nevertheless none of those things should have the ability to take away your personal joy or happiness. Now don't get me wrong you don't have to walk around with a smile on your face always in a good mood. We are all human and there will be times that we become sadden or unhappy. However, you have the choice of whether to dwell there and make it a permanent resident or to just visit from time to time here and there.

The choice is yours. That new job, car, accesory, article of clothing, shopping trip, etc. will make you temporarily happy in the moment. However, once you get it and the thrill wears off you will be back to your unhappy self.

Nothing outside of you can keep or make you happy for an extended period of time. You determine your happiness and your state of being.

My life is far, far, far, far from ideal nevertheless I wake up everyday happy. The fact that I am alive gives me joy! Each day I choose to be happy and let nothing or no one steal my joy. They didn't give it to me and I will be darned if they take it away.

As I spoke with the friend that said happiness is a choice and she chooses whatever, it saddened me. I wish that people especially women could experience the happiness I feel just by waking up, being alive, looking at my son knowing all is well with him. I wish that for the beautiful, strong, talented, loving women in my life. As I spoke to my friend that is when she told me happiness was a choice and in essence she was telling me there was nothing I could do.

That is one of the reason why I blog. It is not for me, it is in the hope that something I write or share from someone else will help just one person move toward becoming a better, happier them and in helping others I am in turn helping myself.

Be a blessing and be blessed,
Epiphany Essentials

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