Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Who Sent the Storm: A Personal Lesson on Faith and Fear

Today I sent my sister and email apologizing to her for something that I said last year. Why did I send her an apology now? I felt it was necessary and because I have learned and grown. See at the time what I said to her I felt was right, justified and made sense. Now as I am growing in the spirit of God, knowledge and wisdom I realize that I was completely wrong.

Why was I wrong? I was wrong because I allowed my lack of faith, fear, and natural knowledge speak for me and about my sisters situation. Now I realize that I should never impose my lack of fear or faith on to another nor should I let them affect me with their lack of faith or fear.

I think about the recent teaching I received on from the passage in the bible when Jesus was in the boat with the disciples sleeping and a storm came. The disciples became afraid and they woke Jesus up and said Mark 4: 38c "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?" Jesus rebuked the storm and then said Mark 4:38b "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?"

Christians are notorious for telling each other when they encounter a storm that they have done something wronged, sinned, and they are being punished by God in some way. Others feel that the storm is a test of faith and that God sent the storm for you to stay in faith.

The teaching I received on this was slightly different. God didn't send the storm, the devil sent the storm. God wanted Jesus and the disciples to make it to the other side the devil didn't. God wants for us to be prosperous, healthy, happy, and whole and already sees us that way. The enemy/devil/satan's sole mission is to pluck the Word from us so that we do not walk in an operate in faith. He cares nothing about us he cares about the Word that is planted within us. For the Word is so powerful that when spoken it has the ability to bring itself to pass!

How does this tie in to my apology to my sister? My sister decided last year to quit her job due to a lot of different things happening in her workplace. Instead of me getting on my knees to pray, thanking God for her provision for he supplies all her needs according to his riches and glory, that the Lord is her shepherd she shall not be in want, instead thanking God for her immense faith in this situation and asking him to keep my own and praying that God give her wisdom in the situation. I told my sister wait until you find another job before you quit that one!

What kind of thing was that for me to say as a woman claiming to be a Christian whom walks in faith?

Not a very good one. So, I apologized to my sister for that very reason. No the road won't be easy. Yes the bible says that it rained, thundered, and stormed on the just and unjust but the difference was the foundation, our foundation should be God, Jesus, and the Word wrapped up in faith that everything in the bible is true and right and that God is faithful.

Be a blessing and be blessed,
Epiphany Essentials

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