Wednesday, April 25, 2012



A few weeks ago I overheard my co-workers talking about a letter Beyonce wrote to Michelle Obama and the fact that many people including radio personalities were ripping Beyonce a new one for her grammar.

Grammar? Yes, grammar. Forget the fact that she opened herself up and wrote a letter to Michelle Obama, instead of focusing on that, people were ripping into her about her grammar! This is a Grammy award winning, successful multi-millionaire with multiple businesses, a family, and a list of firsts. So why get caught up on something so insignificant that it has not real value? Does it really matter?

My thought to my co-worker or what I said to her was, this woman is a millionaire, she is a boss, she is an employer not an employee, I don’t think grammar is an issue in her life. If writing, spelling, and speaking properly made one wealthy there would be more wealthy people in the world. Don’t get me wrong, I went to school I wrote 15 page papers in high school. Heck I write this blog on a regular basis so I feel it is great to know how to speak and write well however, it is NOT, I REPEAT NOT a criteria for success.

Richard Branson heads the Virgin Group and he is dyslexic. He had sense enough to hire people that were capable and able to execute his ideas and their own well, he runs a successful business. I think about how God used Moses. When God called Moses to free the Israelites, Moses’ response was something to the effect of why me Lord, I am not well spoken, why not my brother? Nevertheless God let Moses know that he was the one to free the Israelites and through the power, protection and provision of the Most High he could indeed do it. Being well spoken wasn’t a criteria needed and any words that Moses may have stumbled with, the Most High was right there to make them all sound great. In all things we have to always consider the God-factor!

In the bible it says that the last will be first and the first will be last. In the bible God used many people that were the “least” in the eyes of their peers why because He is God! Yahweh knows that there isn’t much that we can do in our own strength and with our own capabilities. If we could do things on our own we wouldn’t need Him. We would then walk around like those who felt they were the “greatest” with the belief that we did it all on our own forgetting about the GRACE of Yahweh.

Too many times we focus on the outside and things that don’t really matter. This falls in line with the looks can be deceiving blog. There are people that assume because they speak “proper English”, write a certain way, graduated from certain schools and grew up in certain neighborhoods etc. that they are BETTER than others. There are those who don’t speak, write “right”, didn’t graduate from anywhere, and grew up in the ghetto that think they are less than others. Then there are the sons of Yahweh that know who they are and who their Father is, I AM. They know that the earth and the fullness there of belongs to their Father. They also know that they are ONE with their Father. They know they are Kings/Queens, they are of a royal priesthood a chosen people and that with Yahweh all things are possible!

So what is it that matters in this life? The only thing that matters in life is how you feel, think, and what you believe about yourself when it comes to your potential, what you have and what you can do. This AM Pastor Winston said the devil is able to deceive us because we don’t know who we are. Eve was deceived by Satan, he told her she would be more like Yahweh, unfortunately Eve was already like Yahweh she was just on earth however, she didn’t know it and she was deceived.

Once we are deceived, we become distracted. We get distracted by all the things that don’t matter. We fall into the trap of superiority and inferiority. We fall into the trap of classism, racism, sexism, and all the other isms that one can think of. Worried about what people will think or say, how we will look instead of keeping our focus on the Most High. As long as you are worried about other people you aren’t truly living for Yahweh and you have yet to go as far and radical as you can in and with your FAITH.

To get to that point; It is important to get in the Word, mediate over it and determine what really matters in the Kingdom of Yahweh. It is also important to stop going with the status quo when it comes to gossiping. The Word says that the POWER of LIFE AND DEATH lie in the tongue. This isn’t a green light to speak well of yourself and those closest to you and badly about others. In all things you should be uplifting all those whom you come in contact with. If you see a prostitute on the street, a girl dressed scantily, a young boy on the corner with his pants sagging, a young mother with multiple children, PRAY FOR THEM! SPEAK WORDS OF LIFE OVER THEM! We shall be held accountable for every idle word that we speak.

Whenever something comes up and you are tempted to give your opinion on a subject matter ask yourself…

Does it Really Matter?

Does it Line up with the Word?

Will I want to hear these words repeated to me on Judgment Day?

Be a blessing and be blessed,
Epiphany Essentials

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