Monday, August 20, 2012


I happened to watch a DVD, Black Genocide.  In the DVD random people were asked what they thought the #1 killer of African Americans was, diabetes, HIV/Aids,  and heart disease were the most popular answers.  However, the DVD informed us all that the #1 killer of African Americans was abortion.  In fact "the most dangerous place for a black person to be is in its mother's womb."

Now I already had someone start a debate with me on Twitter that you cannot kill something that is not living.  I will not get into the pro-choice/pro-life debate or focus on Roe v. Wade.  What I will say is I am a strong proponent of birth control and family planning however I am now 100% pro-life. 

Why? Because abortion is the final piece in the covered of eugenics movement and the purpose of that movement to rid the nation of the negro.  So in now understanding that the purpose and intent of legalizing abortion was population control in the black and brown communities I personally can no longer be a proponent of pro-choice.  As I understand the implication and ramifications that come along with abortion.

Planned Parenthood for the blacks and browns is not the same as it is for other races and nationalities in America.  We as a people must awaken, educate, and arm ourselves with knowledge and then learn to use.  Once we do this is when we will be able to exercise our true power and move closer to true liberty and freedom.

I encourage anyone reading this to do their own research on eugenics, population control, planned parenthood, the american birth control league, and sterilization.

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