Monday, December 24, 2012


Let me start by saying starting in 2012 I personally decided not make any NY resolutions because let's be real, most people do not stick to them through out the year.  At the beginning of the year people are excited, fired up, focused and about 2 weeks into the new year they are back to their old selves and their old habits.  Now what I did do in 2012 is set some simple goals, my goal to be happy and closer to my Ceator and I can say without a shadow of a doubt I achieved my goal in 2012!

Now I say begin your new years resolution today because it takes 7 days to create a new habit.  So today is the best day to begin so by January 1st, you are already in the habit of doing that new thing whatever it is.

Most people's new years resolution are as follows:

  • Lose weight
  • Save Money
  • Spend more time with family
  • Go back to school
  • Career focused
  • Network more
  • Go to church
  • Spend more time with the Most High.....etc.
Let me help you with the lose weight/save money goal.  You can save money by not investing in a gym membership you know you are not going to use!!!!!!!  I used to work by a Lifetime Fitness.  The first few weeks of January the  gym was packed at all hours, by February the regulars were still there and it was rarely ever filled.  80% of weight loss is related to your diet anyway, so if you think you are going to eat whatever you want and lose weight; unless your metabolism is high, that is not an effective sustainable plan.  So starting today, yes today make better choices when it comes to the foods you eat. Understandably Christmas dinner will be served in many families maybe yours as well, partake and enjoy, eat the cookies, pies, etc. but you can:
  • eat smaller portion sizes
  • have fruit only for breakfast the day of
  • drink plenty of water
  • say no to soda
  • sure drink the liquor and be merry :-)
  • have a light lunch, eat a salad and be sparring with the salad dressing
It is possible to eat what you want and lose weight it is all about moderation.  I will use myself as a prime example.  I will go to Mrs. Fields every now and again and buy 4 chocolate chip cookies and eat them all in a matter of minutes.  However, I do it few and far between and I rarely if ever buy cookies for my own home.  Every now and again my son ask and we will buy the ready to bake cookies.  To that point what is in your cabinets?  If your cabinets are filled with processed foods, snacks, and chips.  I'm sorry to say but you may need to give or throw them away.  If there are more processed foods and snacks in your home then fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts you may be setting yourself up for failure.

Now as for the work out, save yourself some money and invest in some free weights, a stability ball, workout mat, and a DVD.  You can save even more money by waking up in the AM stretching, doing sit-ups, crunches, jumping jacks, push ups, squats, etc.  Create your own work out regimen at home.  There are a lot of exercises that can be done using your own body weight that will provide the desired results but again the best day to begin is TODAY!

So whatever your resolutions may be, begin them as soon as possible.  Don't wait until January 1, 2013 as you are already procrastinating.  I have also read not to share your resolutions with others, as those who do are less likely to actually follow them through.  Some things are best kept to yourself anyway, no need to broadcast what you are going to do, just do it and those who truly know you will notice the changes.

I can't wait to see the growth and success of many that I know at the end of 2013.

Be blessed and be a blessing, Life is Good, All is Well, Peace, Love, Joy, Happiness, and Favor on to you...

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