Monday, March 4, 2013


Your beliefs, thoughts, and feelings are your own.  Just because you believe, think and feel a certain way doesn't mean you have to impose those views on others.  If you impose your views on others and they don't accept them, that is quite alright as well. Just because people believe, think, and feel contrary to each other doesn't make either more right or more wrong, if right or wrong at all.

For example, some believe that if you go outside in the winter with a wet head you will catch a cold.  Sure enough those people if they do so, catch colds.  Those people will say see I knew it.  Yes, that is what you thought and believed and that is what happened to YOU!
I personally do not believe that therefore this entire winter I've washed my hair and went out in the dead of winter with a wet head of hair and I didn't catch a cold not once!

TRUTH is RELATIVE to each individual.  I like in the Bible where it says according to YOUR FAITH/BELIEF be it on to you.  You cannot get by on someone else faith or beliefs, only your own.  To truly walk in faith/believe you have to think, act, walk, and talk in whatever you have faith or are believing in.  That's why someone else faith/beliefs won't work for you.

You can say you have faith/believe the mountain will move BUT if you find yourself worrying about that mountain, you aren't in faith!

Some believe in order to make a lot of money you have to work hard.  Others believe all you have to do is work smart.  Others believe you can have someone else do the work and just reap the benefits.  Neither is right, neither is wrong.  Each will say they're right because it worked for them which is true but it was because of their thoughts and beliefs.

This is why it is sometimes, often times, dare I say most times pointless to argue with other people.  I'm all for friendly debates, I open to learning new things and considering the perspective of others but arguing, for what.  Each person usually walks away with the feeling they are right and justified and the other person is wrong and an idiot. 

This is also why people are inspired and moved by church sermons, motivational speeches, and inspirational books yet once back in their own environment all is almost lost.  Why? Because their core beliefs and thoughts have not changed.  They heard something awesome, moving, potentially life changing BUT the true application of how to enact that word wasn't realized.

I've posted this before but I will say again, I read an awesome book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and I am currently taking my time reading The Secret.  These 2 books were powerful and instrumental in my growing exponentially in 2013 and its only March 4th.

Remember, your thoughts create your reality.  Whatever you think about you manifest into your own life.  Just because things have been true or came true for you doesn't mean it will be the same for others.

Be a blessing and be blessed! Namaste! Peace! Love! Joy! Abundance! Health! Wealth! Prosperity! Life!

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