Friday, September 2, 2011


Discomfort leads to comfort! Happiness comes out of being uncomfortable. In comfort one finds complacency. It is only when we become uncomfortable that we are able to change, grow and develop into who and what we are supposed to and or want to be.

I am now reading Tim Ferriss' The Four Hour Workweek and that sparked this blog post today. I am right now doing the first comfort challenge in the book. Tim says something that makes perfect sense, the most important actions are never comfortable.

Let's see how can I put this. For the person who is slight overweight or considered obese the thought and action of changing one's diet and exercising is uncomfortable. Its uncomfortable because watching one's diet and exercising seem to be difficult for those who don't do it on a regular basis. However, the end result is a slimmer and more importantly healthier being that will emerge from proper diet and exercise. Instead of doing those simple things that will cause temporary discomfort but lead to possibly eternal comfort many choose to stay in their current state. Why? Because the action required to produce the results requires work one is not used to doing.


There are many people working jobs that they absolutely hate. They have thoughts and ideals of what they would like to be it looking for another job or starting their own business. Yet, they come up with tons of excuses as to why they can't accomplish their goals. While they hate their current situation, they have found a level of comfort in it and simply put would rather stay comfortable in hell than become slightly uncomfortable to experience shall I call it heaven. How so do you ask? They come up with excuses like.....

  • I don't have time to look for a job because of the time restraints on my current job. I can't interview for a new position because of the time restraints on my current job.

  • I just can't quit to follow my passions I will I eat and survive.

  • I can't work on my business plan I'm tired from my job and don't have the time or energy to do anything on the weekends and when I do I like to watch TV, movies, read etc.

Well, here is a newsflash if you never find the time and get a little uncomfortable you will be stuck in a miserable state of comfort.

So my advice....GET UNCOMFORTABLE and more importantly STOP COMPLAINING.

Complaining leads to nothing, instead of complaining, take action and develop a plan with specific accomplish dates and then put your energy and time into finishing what you have set out to accomplish.

I was watching Bill Winston one morning and he mentioned that your wealth is tied to the amount of television you watch. It was a thought provoking statement especially to me as I have watched a great deal of TV since I was a child. So I began to think to myself, I am watching people on TV shows and in movies that followed their passions, are living their dreams and have their dream careers/jobs and many are rich, well-off, wealthy, some are even in the elite class. So instead of me watching them on TV maybe I should be doing something to achieve my own goals. Now have I completely stopped watching TV of course not however I have changed what I watch on TV. I now look at MSNBC, CSPAN, BTV, and the History Channel. I figure if I am going to watch TV I need to learn something. Now from time to time I will watch a TV show but for the most part I don't.

Also consider how many hours you spend watching TV, reading magazines, and pure fiction books. Add that time up and that is the time that you have to do the uncomfortable things necessary so that you can live in the ultimate level of comfort.

So again, what's my advice?


Take time to examine in what areas of your life you can become uncomfortable. Figure out what you can absolutely live without that will allow you to go where you need to go.

GET UNCOMFORTABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Be a blessing and be blessed,
Epiphany Essentials

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