Friday, May 1, 2015

Financial Freedom Fridays - The Risk of the Employee

At a meeting this month discussing risk, the cash flow quadrant as shown below was mentioned:

Employees choose to work jobs because they like stability and security; and don't want to incur risks.  Nevertheless, there are risks associated with being an employee.  While the employee isn't investing in a business and concerned with overhead, cost analysis and profits, the employee is placing their entire lively into one client.  Putting all their eggs in one basket so to speak and that is RISKY!

How is that risky?
  • What if the company files bankrupt?
  • What if the company can't make payroll?
Talk about risk and being in a vulnerable state.  This in no way implies that being any other place in the quadrant is less risky, all come with a risk. This is to stress that being an employee isn't automatic security so its important to have multiple streams of income, save, and invest; diversify your portfolio so to speak.

There are 253 days left in this year, make them count!!!!!!

You may have experienced disappointment, lack, set backs, loss etc. Nevertheless, you are still here, life goes on, and you must Take Charge, OWN your Life, and be in CONTROL visit us at to learn more about how you can Live Your Life on Purpose!

Join Us starting Sunday, May 3rd for a 7 Day Negative Fast visit the link and follow the instructions Negative Fast

by Jamesia Johnai Hawk
Personal Empowerment Advocate
Namaste, Peace, Love, Joy, Abundance, Health and Vitality to ALL!

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