Friday, September 25, 2015

Financial Freedom Fridays - Economics is All That Matters

It seems in this world, money makes the world go round.  Money, Cash, Gold, Oil, things of value make the world go round.

The majority of solutions to societal problems like poverty, crime, poor health, lack of health care can be solved guessed it MONEY.

So why is it on a grand scale children are not taught about money in their homes or schools? We will take a guess and say since most adults don't have a handle on their own finances, it would be impossible for them to teach their children.

Nevertheless, last Saturday, my son asked could he purchase food at the bowling alley.  I asked him how much money he had, he told me $5, I said sure you can purchase something but you must save $1, he became upset.  I then told him, always PAY HIMSELF FIRST, save to invest.  I then asked him what was something he wanted that he could save for? (I read in a book its a great way to encourage savings amongst children if they're given a goal).  He reluctantly agreed while handing me $1.  He then went to make his purchase.

He returned with his items and handed me the change to be saved!  I was excited.  The next day we went to visit our cousins.  The younger children all went to the store.  My son arrived back with his chips and change, he once again gave me his change and instructed me to add it to his savings fund.  I was more excited than before as he did it on his own.

Now, I'm going to look into ways for him to invest and learn about making his money grow.  There are stock market simulators out there we will take advantage.

If you have children or influence over children are you encouraging them to save and teaching them principles/tools that will allow them to be Financially Free & Economically Empowered??????

by Jamesia J. Hawk
Personal Empowerment Advocate
Epiphany Essentials Management Inc. 

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