Monday, April 12, 2010


Everyday I pray in the shower. Part of my prayer is thanking God for keeping my family, friends, and loved ones safe through the night. Well last night I received a text message. Unfortunately I only received half of it. So this morning my phone rang and I heard some disturbing news. My friend and sister in Christ, her husband was shot in the face and is in the hospital heavily sedated.

I also believe wholeheartedly that guns do not kill people do. Anything can be used as a weapon and can prove deadly. So I don't agree in us turning our weapons in, I believe in us learning what they are for and using them for the right reasons and as a last resort!

A lot of the problem starts in our neighborhoods and our homes. Our children are growing up in poor areas, with little resources, going to schools that barely have books and could care less whether our children learn to read, write, and/or count. They are growing up in a time where bling is what everyone yearns for. Before "bling" men desired money, cars, and females which still seems to be the ultimate goal in life now. As the song says for the love of money people will rob, steal, and cheat.

Our children are at a disadvantage trying to catch up and don't realize they are putting themselves behind with the methods they are using in an attempt to get ahead. Killing off our future before it even starts. Fighting over territory that doesn't belong to them to control the sale of drugs to make $.... Drugs that are killing are people on top of the violence of guns.

Yes I know "the man" is putting these things in our communities but it is up to us whether we use them. Trust me I know it is not that simple again I am truly realistic when it comes to things like this.

It is just a sad, sad state that poor/lower class African American people are in. There used to be a time when we had pride, we have always been poor but we had pride, respect, and love for one another.

Now we are at a point where we look down upon one another because of clothes, shoes, jewelry, and cars. And we are using force a lot of times and violence to take from those in our community just so that we can have something and it makes no sense.

Living and growing up in Chicago violence is unfortunately and everyday part of our city. I believe in our constitutional right to bear arms. I also believe we have the right to defend ourselves. I also know that there are a lot of senseless acts of violence that occur far too often.
I think back to a couple of summers ago where a car was parked in the middle of the street. The driver behind the car that was blocking traffic yelled, blew his horn, and threw something at the car in front of him. In turn a few days later the driver that was blocking the street ran up on the other driver and shot him to death on his front porch. Over what? For what?
Too many of our young black boys are running around trying to prove their manhood with guns, weapons and violence. Sadly because they do not know and have not been taught what it takes to be a real man. Walking around with a gun, shooting at someone for "disrespecting" you is not what being a man is. Whatever happened to the days of straight up 1-on-1 fist fights? Even those can end up deadly. I remember a summer where after a fair fight the loser came back shooting at the people he'd been in a fight with. By that time however, the people were sitting on their grandparents porch with children and all. So those being shot at went and got guns to shoot back.
This is not for you to read this message and sit on your high horse, this is also not for you to go and discuss it with your friends. This is for you to rise up and take action starting in your own home. What are you teaching your children? What are you glorifying? What are you placing importance on? How are you helping others in need? What are you doing to make a difference in your community and other community? Are you being the change that you want to see.
I encourage you to find some time even if its 1x per month. To volunteer your time, knowledge, and resources to someone else.
Visit this website type in your zip code and volunteer opportunities will come up.
Its not just about having meetings and marching. As Louis Farrakhan said and I hold this dear "We need to stop begging the White Man to do for us what we can do for ourselves" Its time to take our children and our communities back!!!!!
Be a blessing and be blessed,
Epiphany Essentials

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