Monday, March 19, 2012



Fear is paralyzing! It is paralyzing because it keeps people from doing things that we need and want to do. However, fear is faith in the enemy. As many of us have heard fear stands for, false evidence appearing real. Let me repeat this for those who didn’t catch that FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL! Watching Bill Winston, he discussed 4 main fears:

• Death
• Uncertainty
• Change
• Poverty

Although scripture tells us Yahweh did not give us a spirit of fear, we somehow believe that our fears are valid or normal. If one feels that faith in the devils is normal then continue to fear because that is what it is.

Death, why is that so many people are afraid of death. The biggest answer is because death is unknown (uncertainty) to us we don’t know what to expect in death. However, if you are a faith believer you should believe that when you die you are going to heaven, purgatory, or you will live in paradise (whatever your faith/beliefs says). So why the fear and how does it manifest? I had a huge fear of motorcycles. My thought was I need full protection while on the road. Well I was watching Bill Winston again and he threw the fear of motorcycles in the same boat with a fear of flying, in a nutshell the real fear is death.

When I think about it, what is there to fear about motorcycles. One thing is me falling off and scraping myself or badly damaging my cranium however, that brings in another fear, uncertainty. That is the same fear those who are afraid of flying experience. They don’t want to get on a plane because of plane crashes, you can’t just decide to get off you have to wait until the plane lands, what if the plane lands in water, what if this or what if that. All things that point to uncertainty and the fear that you may get on the plane alive but leave on a stretcher dead.

How did these fears manifest? I knew someone personally who was in a bad motorcycle accident and I hear about deaths due to motorcycles all the time. People hear about plane crashes on the news. I had a cousin who lived in Atlanta that was afraid to come to Chicago because when she saw news about the city it was usually about some sort of violent crime that had taken place. Our parents, media, and things we see in our everyday lives place fears in us. Sometimes this fear is created out of “love” but really fear isn’t a good thing unless it is the fear you have for Yahweh, and that is a reverent fear.

How do we conquer these fears? Well for me, my cousin came over one day on his motorcycle and I told him to take me around the block. I hopped on, squeezed him tightly, but I am still here to tell the story! You conquer your fears by facing them. If you are afraid of flying book a flight no more than an hour or 2 to start with say a prayer, get on the plane and keep it moving. Whatever it is you are afraid of doing, put it on the top of your priority list and just do it!

Let me be clear fear is a learned behavior. I have read stories of people that have never stepped foot on a plane, heck there are people who have never truly left their neighborhoods. It is saddening because you miss out on so much of your own city, state, country and the world for fear of death, uncertainty, and change.

Change, I think about the lyrics to a song, “everything must change, nothing stays the same.” Our children grow up and leave our homes, we grow older, jobs change, friends change, family members move to different cities and states, our weight fluctuates etc. Change is inevitable and a necessary part of life for growth yet so many fear it and resist it at all cost. Some parents don’t want their children to leave the state they live in to attend a college or university. Other parents are all for it. Some people don’t want to leave the state they live in for fear of starting over and not knowing anyone where they move to. I always think to myself, what is the worst that will happen?

I have heard people say that when some know they are dying or on their death bed, they rarely regret the things that they did more so than the things they didn’t do. The last thing you want to do is die with regrets because fear kept you paralyzed and unable to do something you wanted to do.

Poverty, even those that are living check to check fear poverty! More realistically the fear of poverty is a fear of not having enough. Some people fear not having enough to the point where they refuse to share because they feel if they give they will have less. However, you must give in order to receive. A lot of us don’t realize how blessed we are, we don’t realize that we are rich beyond measure and I’m not just speaking of money. As I’ve said in a previous blog Creflo Dollar calls poverty lack in any area of your life. While it is important to be wise and a good steward over your finances, too many people place emphasis on money. Yes I know the saying money makes the world go round but if you are a believer in the Most High you know that everything belongs to Him and you have full access to it, and He keeps the world going. His word says that He supplies all of our needs and that He is our shepherd and we shall not want.

So why is it that we fear? Again because it is a learned behavior that we have accepted. So how do we change it? We learn/teach ourselves a new behavior my looking fear in the face, grabbing it by the horns and facing it.

I’m sure you don’t want to end up here: “But for the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, their part'shall be in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone; which is the second death.” Revelation 21:8

Finally a few quotes to help stir you up ;-)

"Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free." Jim Morrison

"Our deepest fears are like dragons guarding our deepest treasure." Rainier Maria Rilke
"If you let it, life can become a simple pattern of staying in your comfort zone and never wandering out into the unknown to see what lies on the other side of its horizon. Today is Monday, the first day of the week; change your patterns, even slightly today, so that a new world can find you. Do ONE thing that scares you today, ONE thing that makes you a little nervous, ONE thing that you never thought you would do. If you do ONE thing every day you will have done 365 NEW THINGS in a year! Today, don't try to tackle everything, but please do ONE thing!" Jackson Kiddard

Be a blessing and be blessed,
Epiphany Essentials

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