Thursday, February 28, 2013


You may think I am going to provide a lot of research and information here, NOPE!!!! You if you are reading this an interested in what I mean, you must began to search, find, and seek knowledge to know self and understand your ancestry and then begin to honor your ancestors!

All life, all people originated from the continent now called "Africa", Merita.  The knowledge center of Merita was "Egypt", Kemet.  So if EVERYONE on the planet earth traces their ancestry they shall find their origins in Merita!

Black was a label given to our ancestors because of their skin color.  Africa was a name given to the continent due to its conqueror.

People of color are "melanin rich", melanin which we all know is what makes are skin the beautiful varying hues of brown that it is. 

The first written language Medu Neteru you know this as "hieroglyphics".  Yes, history was written, it was written in stone.  Papyrus was created in Kemet then came paper and books.  As the saying goes there is nothing new under the sun, this saying is so true, and knowledge, math, science, and many of "modern" technology, if not most or dare I say all comes from Kemet and Merita.

Its time we know our history and go further than the continental US!


Pictures courtesy of

Be a blessing and be blessed!  Namaste! Peace! Love! Joy! Health! Wealth! Knowledge! Wisdom! Happiness!


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