Monday, February 22, 2010

The Little Things

Our tag line here at Epiphany Essentials is be a blessing and be blessed.

I have learned the power and goodness of random acts of kindness. The little things you do for someone you know or a total stranger that they didn't expect. Holding the door for someone, passing them a newspaper out of the bin, smiling, saying good morning, those are all things that are a blessing to someone else.

You can be a blessing just by doing something small, a little thing that goes a long way in the life of someone else. I have tried to practice this throughout my life but have been making a conscious effort to do it more.

I am here to testify that when you bless others blessings come back to you in return in ways that you least expect.

For example, as my son and I were walking into Chuck E. Cheese last week a lady that was leaving asked me was I going in with coupons. I in fact had coupons but I thanked her for her kindness she was going to bless me by helping me save money and by giving away something she no longer needed. The other day, I went to celebrate a friends 30th birthday. I found a parking spot about a block away downtown and was excited about that. The car parked in front of me, the couple happened to be moving and the gentleman offered me his parking ticket that didn't expire to 9P. My friend took the ticket and I praised God right there for the man could have drove off with the ticket and/or he could have asked for $$$ for it.

I say all of that to say that it takes little or nothing to be a blessing to someone else. I also encourage all to count their blessings and Thank God for even the little blessings that come your way!

Be a blessing and be blessed,
Epiphany Essentials

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