Friday, January 25, 2013


In all that you do, BE PRESENT!

What does it mean to be present?  Be alert, give your full attention, savor the moment, and enjoy what you are doing while you are doing it...

I have found myself attached at the hip to my cell phone as if, if I'm not looking at it every other second I'm going to miss out on something.  Whether at a family gathering, at my dad's house, out with my son, with friends, basically everywhere but church.  So as I write these words BE PRESENT its more so for me and if you benefit as well that's great.

So, yesterday while bowling with my son, I decided to BE PRESENT, I didn't look at my phone, check my Twitter, FB, nothing the entire time we will at the bowling alley, I made a conscious decision in 2013 to BE PRESENT.

Think about ways that you can BE PRESENT.

Even when doing my yoga, I sometimes find myself thinking about what I have to do for the day, what happened the day before and I have to remind myself to relax and BE PRESENT.

During a conversation with someone, they are speaking to you but you are reading, typing, thinking about something else, just not giving your full attention, BE PRESENT.

Especially with children, when they are speaking give them your undivided attention, put the book down, the cell phone, turn off the TV, turn off the radio etc.  BE PRESENT.

Try it out for the rest of the week, determine if you are present in the moment when at work, home, wherever you are, if you found yourself drifting and not paying attention, make a conscious to BE PRESENT.

Be a blessing and be blessed! Namaste! Peace! Love! Joy! Faith! Self-Control! Health! Prosperity!

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