Thursday, January 31, 2013


Today is January 31st, we are 31 days into the New Year.  If you made resolutions, set goals, made commitments to yourself or to others this New Year, how are you tracking?

Are you exercising, eating right, saving, paying down debt, spending less than you earn, being more generous, loving, forgiving, showing  compassion?

Are you spending more quality time with family and friends, being present? 

Are you volunteering, mentoring, or giving back your time, efforts and talent for a greater cause?

Have you started the plans for the business you always wanted?

Are you spending more time in prayer, worship, praise to your Creator or whomever it is you choose to serve?

Or are you doing the same thing today you were doing yesterday, last month, last year or even 5 years ago?  

Or are you seeing change, growth, and progress in your life?

Change begins on the inside, change begins with our thoughts, our thoughts dictate our actions and the outcomes of our lives.  So if you are struggling in any area of your life, begin with your thoughts.  Take the inside-out approach.

For those looking to get on and stay on the right financial track, I learned of a great site do check it out and determine if it is right for you. 

For those looking to enhance the quality of their life and truly change from the inside-out and watch their thoughts, I recommend reading The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, The Dream Giver by Wilkinson, and The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.

At the end of this year, on December 31st, I believe and decree that those reading this will be healthier, wiser, wealthier, more fit, of sound mind, thinking only thoughts of life, filled with faith, hope, love, peace, joy, and abundance. I believe that those reading this will be closer to their purpose, pursuing their dreams.

Be a blessing and be blessed! Namaste! Peace! Love! Joy! Abundance

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