Wednesday, January 2, 2013


So many of us are closed to new things and ideals.  I know plenty of people that say things like "I've never heard that before!"  Ok, so what does that mean?  There are hundreds of countries in this world, how many have you visited? There are many different cultures and races of people, how many do you interact with regularly?  Are you open minded to their way of life?

The majority of us will answer no to these questions and few of us have traveled to more than 5 countries, yet alone attempted to learn about the culture while there.  Trust me the life on the resort or hotel is nothing like what the people truly experience.  Case in point, visiting your home city and staying in the downtown area or in a suburb is not like actually being in the city, well at least not Chicago!

Being open minded gives you the ability to try new things, learn about new things, and sometimes it allows you to realize that what you've thought or believed is not true.  I think that is the most scary part of being open minded, people are afraid of change, people are afraid to question their own beliefs and ideals, people are truly afraid to grow.  They say they want to but rarely step outside of their comfort zone. 

The bigger issue is FEAR, we FEAR the unknown, FEAR change, FEAR being challenged, FEAR questioning things.  FEAR is something however, that we have been taught.  You were not born with FEAR.  You were born with instincts and intuition that help you recognize danger but FEAR is learned, whether you FEAR heights, dogs, swimming, there is a reason somewhere behind it.  Often times the fears of our parents become are FEARS.  Think about how many times your parents or someone said, oh no don't do that, momma is afraid or dad is scared for you?

Scripture says, "the Most High did not give you a spirit of FEAR!!!!".  (Side note, whether you are a Christian, Atheist, Muslim, Buddist, etc.  there are many things in the bible, qu'ran etc. that are universal laws, they truly have NOTHING to do with RELIGION, its ok to pick it up and read it, take what you can from it and reject what you don't believe!  As the basis of all RELIGIONS at its core is LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY, etc.). 

At the same time however, religion, has made many CLOSED MINDED.  That is not, nor was the purpose of religion.  Yet, religion has created in many a superiority complex and segregrated people.  Many religions or sects of religions came about because someone didn't agree with a belief/ideal, someone or a group were left out, or money was involved.  Meaning those who didn't fit in or agree started their own thing just for them!!!!!  Many people believe in a religion but have never taking the time to study it and understand why they believe, its simply because their parents did or that is a part of their race/culture.

There is something to be learned from EVERYONE, from the pimp to the pusher to the preacher in the pulpit, the buddhist, yogi, muslim, you just have to be OPEN to it.  Yes, I said the pimp and pusher.  People think differently and do things in their life based on their thoughts, beliefs, and even feelings.  It's ok because we are ALL different and unique.  I liked when a Pastor said, when the Most High made you he broke the mold.  The world would be boring if we all thought, acted, and did EVERYTHING alike, except LOVE of course. 

Being open minded doesn't mean you have to incorporate the new things you learn or come across into your life or change your way of thinking, it does mean that you embrace and accept that YOUR way isn't the ONLY way, nor is it the BEST way FOR ALL, and that if a certain ideal, belief, or way of life and thinking works for someone else that is ok.  No need to judge, compare, or compete.  Just embrace the fact that there isn't ONE WAY of LIVING that is right for all, except LOVE :-)

Be open minded, research information, learn something new, try something new and different and encourage your children to do the same.

Be a blessing and be blessed! Namaste! Peace! Love! Joy! Happiness! Self-Control! Kindness! Properity! Health!

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