Friday, January 17, 2014



Its one of the many dreaded B words....BUDGET!  Do you have a budget?  Do you believe in budgets?  Will you be able to stick to a budget?

If you do not have a budget and you constantly find yourself trying to make ends meet, you are living paycheck to paycheck and running out of cash, robbing Peter to pay Paul, you need a budget.  Whether you have a regular set income or your income varies because you are self-employed/entrepreneur/freelancer etc.  You too need a budget.  Come up with a realistic budget that you have a chance of sticking to.

There are some expenses you have that are fixed mortgage payment/rent, car payments, car insurance, student loan payments etc.  Start your budget with the fixed amounts you know you have to pay on a regular basis and then factor in things like electricity, gas, car gas, food, shopping, and all other expenses.  You can estimate these based on previous spending or averages.  

Whatever you do, commit a budget to paper, review it often and regularly, tweak it if and when you need to.

Many of you that don't have budgets will do a budget and realize you don't have enough money to cover your expenses, well it will appear as such.  Nevertheless, please keep in mind you have been living, surviving, and getting by all this time so don't be alarmed.  I read a quote that said  
"Budgets make us figure out HOW to buy what we believe we cannot afford."
(We will get to the how in later financial freedom posts so please stay tuned!)

For now, do the BUDGET.  If you need help getting started feel free to email us at and we will provide you with a budget worksheet.  A powerful tool that we personally use to track spending, budgets, are net worth and goals is (Disclaimer: this is our personal recommendation, we are in no way affiliated with, we use it and have been successful with it please research for yourself and determine if it is the right tool for you.)

It is also important to change our mindsets, how we feel and what we think about money.  We will try to get into that in the upcoming weeks.  Until then, we leave you with this quote/mantra that you can repeat daily.

"Money is forever circulating freely in my life and there is always a divine surplus." 

(This quote was taken from the book, The Power by Rhonda Byrne) Repeat this daily and focus on it for at least 4 minutes a day, you can do it when you rise, as you drift off to sleep, and throughout the day.

Peace, Love, Joy, Abundance, Health, Success, Happiness, NAMASTE! 

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